Canada becomes the 51st state


Consumers who now enjoy better prices and stronger currency

Businesses no longer hampered by trade barriers (interprovincial or bilateral)

Citizens who care about safety and order in their communities

Soldiers who now work for the best military instead of a underfunded


Legacy Political Parties (CPC, LPC, etc)

Aggrieved groups who receive money from the federal government


Career bureaucrats

and legacy media journalists, who require federal subsidy and would be reorganized under a different national system

Not a bad idea for normal people but professional politicos would have to ... find real work, so forget it

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Musicians (and other artists) would also benefit. Right now, it is far easier for American musicians to come up here and work, than it is for Canadian musicians to go into the Us and work.

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Let's turn of the taps to our water. That would certainly hurt them for sure. Isolationism is a bitch and serves no one, especially their own economies. It happens once before and it will happen again if Trump administration goes through with their proposals.

He is only saying these things because we are in a lane duck situation, but right now, Trudeau is still PM and as you said, things can be done to counter Trump's idiocy.

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Trump s’en va en guerre ou l’art t’intimider par la peur, et ça marche!

Le chroniqueur de La Presse Yves Boivert résume bien l’esprit « Trumpiste ». « Les visées agressives sur le Canada, le Panama et le Groenland devrait être prise très au sérieux, peu importe son degré de réalisme » dit-il! Il poursuit «  car si une fois, c’est une blague, deux fois c’est une mauvaise blague et trois fois, c’est une menace!

Pendant ce temps, que font nos dirigeants politiques canadiens? Ils se cachent, ils jouent la carte du chacun pour soi, ils font des réunions pour se concerter en vue d’une réplique qui ne vient pas. Dans le fond, ils ont peur, ils sont désarmés, ils n’y croient pas encore!

Comme dirait Churchill devant la menace des nazis, personne ne croyait que c’était possible, comme la menace japonaise face à Pearl Harbor où les américains encore isolationnistes refusaient d’entrer en guerre face à la montée du fascisme! Qui profitera de la folie « Trumpiste » et de cette destabilisation de l’Occident? Je vous le donne en mille?La Russie et la Chine, qui ne se gêneront pas pour envahir l’Ukraine et Taïwan, mais c’est impossible diront nos diplomates canadiens, tous occupés à renégocier notre entente de libre-échange, dont le président élu nous menace de nous annexer! À méditer…

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The real question is what does Trump want out of this? Help restricting migration over the northern border? Some sort of trade alliance which excludes China? Access for US companies to Canadian resources? It a negotiation and he's building his leverage. No reason to react until one knows what it's all about. No doubt what he wants will come with carrots, and could be mutually beneficial. In the meantime we just have to wait and see how it plays out.

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I'm not sure why the Republicans would want to add another 20 or so million Democrat supporting voters.

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Good commentary. America loves legal challenges too! Trump is going to impose tariffs anyway as he needs the cash.

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Sorry, but Trudeau has no mandate to punch anyone in the nose first, last or with off setting tariff blows.

Trudeau hasn’t left the scene, but he’s officially made himself a caretaker Prime Minister.

“Will I do ‘til the real thing comes along?”, as Russell Decarle sings perfectly sums up the ridiculous situation that Trudeau set up for himself (firstly) and Parliament and the nation a far, far second place.

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I'd like to think that Trump is simply pressing his advantage and teeing up the future negotiations to his benefit.

If I'm wrong, there will be economic carnage in Canada that, in many ways, is self inflicted.

But, maybe this correction is necessary and long overdue. We have become complacent, unproductive and reliant upon an increasingly utopian government. At long last, Canadians may finally recognize that there are real world consequences to flawed ideologies, fiscal irresponsibility and destructive policies. Trump is the perfect storm for a weakened, corrupted and compliant nation. In the long term he may ironically be the catalyst for our return to serious, responsible and visionary government. We have been on an unsustainable path.

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Well said Tasha!!

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