Yes... but...

All true, and very logical. But after three or four decades of Ontario and Quebec trying to gut the energy business, it's a little rich that they want the energy sector to ride to their rescue. Freezing in the dark (and with no jobs becasue no export markets) isn't a good outcome for the counry, but it's too goog for them.

Maybe a guarantee on building Energy East (I mean, "build it before you interfere with Alberta exports, you chowderheads") and moratorium on importing Saudi oil might make Albertans believe that the Eastern Bastards™ are serious about doing what's best for the whole country, rather than sacrificing ALberta for their puerile virtue-signalling games.

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Albertans have good reasons not to trust Trudeau and frankly most other provinces. Premiers are all very brave as long as their economy isn't the one being sacrificed at the altar of the tariff war. Put the auto pact on the line, put Quebec's hydro on the line, put the dairy cartels on the line, scrap transfer payments that see Alberta wealth used to buy eastern votes for the liberals... let everyone share in the risk without risking getting stabbed in the back by Laurentian elite the we can talk.

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I just read "The Man Who Ran Washington" - The Life and Times of James. A. Baker III. I was fascinated by his work with other countries, and within the White House, as he worked towards negotiating what (was thought to be) the best for the US and it's allies.

I don't see a Baker in Canada, and unsure about PP. I don't see Danielle Smith being able to do what's best for Canada, but certainly able to negotiate on behalf of Alberta.

As a kid raised by Grandparents who yelled at the TV Evening News and discussed politics every day, I have always had a desire to do more and know more. I might have been the only 10 year old that knew what the Iran Contra issues were, who Oliver North was. It was neat.

With a few years in the US in University, my political heart grew as I stumbled into strong political teachers with opinions and passions that I was inspired by.

I don't think Baker, or we, should try to negotiate in social media channels. It gives air to a fire that burns out of control, and we are not equipped to fight in that battle field. I think we need Danielle to negotiate on our behalf, as Tasha points out, we don't have a statesperson (statesman?) able to do the hard work of negotiating with a bully. We have talking heads in Toronto and Ottawa wanting to start a retaliatory war we will not win, and I am confused why the narrative hasn't shifted from fighting back to working with (albeit Danielle has made some comments about purchasing more US products to work within a solution).

Why a special committee, a team, private group, or a bullfighter has not stood up saddens me. We need more, we need leadership, we need a Canadian Bullfighter working Washington (and other economic powers). Hard to get behind Canada, when no one else seems 2 want 2.

I recently met with 10 good dudes, and we talked Ai, Politics, and Football. No one really cared to talk politics, and soliciting the network as to why - the fellas were just checked out, didn't vote, and really didn't care.

I want to change that.

Nice read, I don't think PP is the guy to do it, to lead the country 100%, but we need operatives and negotiators beyond the current regime.

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